Parents: How to Cope With Feelings of Isolation

We live in uncertain times.

If you turn on the TV, you are bound to hear how many people have COVID-19 in your town or city, country or globally. News never seems to be good.

Most families work from home, if they are fortunate to work at all. Children do school work online, usually with some guidance.  Living space shrinks when everyone is at home all the time.

How can you cope?

First, recognize when you feel overwhelmed. Talk to your spouse or children if they are old enough. Schedule some alone time for yourself.  The idea is for you to rest and rejuvenate, even it is only for 3 minutes. If you are a single parent with young children, take this time when they are sleeping at night.

You can find 3 minutes for yourself, right? Consider taking this time to meditate. Imagine when you meditate that you are connected to the rest of the planet. Interesting thought!

Does COVID-19 cause you to feel isolated?

How would you feel if you knew that when you meditate, you are uniting with other people meditating? Would you ever feel lonely again? Probably not!

Meditating for 3 minutes helps you feel connected. It gives you some breathing space to relax and rejuvenate.

Teach your children how to meditate when they are old enough. Each child is different, so research how to do this and at what age it is best to start. This is a skill that they will use over and over again.

Give it a try. You have nothing to lose and so much to gain! Your mental health will thank you.

Check out if you want to learn more about meditating.

A big thank you to Alexander Drummer on Unsplash for the photo


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