If you would like a bit of inspiration today then enjoy reading a short article that won honorable mention in Writer’s Digest Contest 2023 / Inspirational Category. Be amazing. The Universe Has Your Back Much has been written about the power of thought. You attract what you think about, what you feel strongly about. This […]
How Many Acts of Kindness Have You Seen Today?

Life is full of acts of kindness. Persons help each other because it is the right thing to do. Individuals live by the golden rule, “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” Here is a post that appeared on Facebook that illustrates kindness. A woman sitting in her car at a […]
All It Takes Is One Unique Idea To Improve Someone’s Life

What is this unique idea? That is for you to decide. What would you want to create, have, or be?What would you want your kids to create, have or be? They will follow your lead. Happiness is in the service of others. What do people wish for and cannot find? Create it.What would make people’s […]
Parents: Tips On What To Do Before You Start Writing Your Book

You‘ve finally decided to write the book that you have put on the back burner for years! Wonderful! Here are a few tips to help you get started. Develop your idea. In the book, The Idea: The 7 Elements of a Viable Story for Screen, Stage or Fiction¹, Eric Bork says that one of the […]
Parents: How to Cope With Feelings of Isolation

We live in uncertain times. If you turn on the TV, you are bound to hear how many people have COVID-19 in your town or city, country or globally. News never seems to be good. Most families work from home, if they are fortunate to work at all. Children do school work online, usually with […]
How can You Reduce Fears over the Coronavirus?

By knowing where to get accurate information to protect you and your family Fear thrives on the unknown, bad news, and uncertainty. Let’s dispel some of the fear surrounding the Coronavirus or COVID-19 by educating yourself with the most up to date facts. Good hygiene is essential. Stop shaking peoples’ hands. Touch elbows instead! https://slate.com/technology/2020/03/coronavirus-clean-phone-wash-hands.html […]
Marketing a Book is as Important as Writing It

This article has some simple suggestions to help your child write a book, get it self-published and market it. Teach children to always trust their intuition. If they want to write a book encourage them to do so. Here are a few tips to assist them to write a book. Write every day. Don’t edit. […]
Parents: Lead by Example

Parenting is not easy. One size does not fit all. It takes work. The great thing about parenting is something new and amazing pops up when you least expect it. When my daughter was four years old she brought me a glass of grape juice in a wine glass. The memory is seared in my […]
Parents: Teach Kids These Three Tips

One of my favorite prosperity teachers is Marilyn Jenett. She has written this wonderful article “Three Tips to Attract Good “Luck” Today Friday the 13th (And every day). Use these three tips to teach children how to attract luck. Today is filled with good fortune, yours and theirs! ~Kathleen Boucher Three Tips to Attract Good […]
Parents: Tame Your Unfocused Brain!

As a parent, are you running on empty because your responsibilities override the time and energy you have available? Do you feel fatigued, run down and unable to focus? Have you increased the amount of caffeine you consume to the point that you are a bundle of nerves? No worries. There is hope! Fanny Elizaga […]
Parents: Help Kids Hear The Earth’s Call

Believe in the power of one. All it takes is the passion of one person to affect change. Just as a stone creates a ripple in the water when it skips so does the effect of like-minded people who want to change the world for the better. Greta Thunberg is a Nobel Prize 2019 Nominee […]
Talk To Your Kids About The Meaning Of Success

What does success mean to you? Have you talked to your kids about what success means to you and to them? Marilyn Jenett has written a wonderful article: What is Real Success -to You? Read it. Share it. Commence a discussion with your kids! You will be glad you did. What Is Real Success – […]