“The Universe Has Your Back” won Honorable Mention in Writer’s Digest Contest 2023 /Inspirational Category

If you would like a bit of inspiration today then enjoy reading a short article that won honorable mention in Writer’s Digest Contest 2023 / Inspirational Category.

Be amazing.

The Universe Has Your Back

Much has been written about the power of thought. You attract what you think about, what you feel strongly about. This is not easy if you are surrounded by illness, job loss, an inability to pay bills. You may have given up hope and have fallen into despair.

Is there a way to climb out of despondency?

What if you had a choice to turn your life around? What if everything that surrounds you is actually an illusion? What if you could change your reality by believing in and living fromyour ideal life? Wouldn’t that be something! And it won’t cost you a dime. What have you got to lose? Absolutely nothing! What are the dividends?

They are a better life.

The hardest part is to decide what you want. Don’t laugh. You can have anything. So stop dreaming small, dream big instead.

Write down what you want and read it aloud morning, noon and night. Do it until you believe at a cellular level that you have what you’ve written down. It has worked for other people. Why not you? What have you got to lose? Absolutely nothing! What are the dividends?

They are a better life.  The Universe has your back.

Have fun with this. Sing at the top of your lungs, “I am prosperity!” Sing it a hundred times, a thousand times, a million times! Maybe a million times is over the top. You get the idea. You’ve just raised your vibration. Wonderful things are speeding to you. Open your arms to receive them and be grateful in the present moment for all the good in your life.

It is a simple but highly effective technique. Try it. What have you got to lose? Absolutely nothing!

You are powerful. It’s time to remember: Good things are coming to you.

The Universe has your back.


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