Teach this simple exercise to your children. Have you ever heard the advice that if you want to be successful find someone who has already accomplished what you want to do and model what they did? Why reinvent the wheel! Bob Proctor is featured in the movie The Secret. He makes a living as […]
How to Help Kids Succeed: Teach Them How to Solve Problems

By Kathleen Boucher Do you ever wonder if your children will be successful and have enough money to live? Who do you know that makes the best living in your circle of friends? Do they have job security? Will there even be job security in the future? What unique talents do your children have? Read […]
Teaching Kids To Love Getting Value For Their Money!

By Kathleen Boucher “If you’re saving, you’re succeeding.” ― Steve Burkholder Are you a good role model for your kids when it comes to spending and saving money? As they grow older how do you want them to handle money? Do you want them to save or spend when items are on sale? […]
Goal Setting-A Stick With It Attitude For Kids!

by Kathleen Boucher Congratulations! A New Year has commenced and with it comes the hope and dreams of millions of creative mothers and fathers, children and extended families! What will you accomplish this year? What are your children looking forward to achieving? How are you going to motivate them to stay on track? How […]
Kids + Gratitude = Magic

By Kathleen Boucher Have you ever lain in bed at night wondering what kind of future your kids will have with a world gone hay-wire? Will your kids be successful? Will they have enough money, clean air or clean water? Will they be able to afford housing, schooling and own their own car? Will […]
Parents: Follow Your Heart!

By Kathleen Boucher Have you ever wondered in your busy day where the time went? Did you follow your heart when you chose your profession, married your mate, had your ten kids? Did you write down your goals at fifteen years old only to have accomplished hundreds of them shouting at the top of […]
For Parents: Is Stress Making You Feel Old and Tired?

By Kathleen Boucher Are you swamped with stress? Does corporate management keep raising the amount you need to sell each year? Is there not enough money at the end of the month? Are you worried about your children’s university tuition? Has your belt gotten tighter or your waist line expanded? Do you look in the […]
Detach and Allow!

By Kathleen Boucher Are you a student of self-help books, positive emails, seminars and the latest affirmations that are supposed to work wonders for your self-esteem? Do you set an example for your kids? Are you an avid follower of successful mentors who advise you on the best way to use the law of attraction? […]
Does Going to University or College=Job Security?

By Kathleen Boucher Every parent throughout history wants a better life for their children. The question is, “If children go to college or university does it ensure that they will have a job when they graduate?” The answer to this question depends on what they take in university or college and the job market when […]
New Concept in Goal Achievement

By Kathleen Boucher Have you ever felt stuck and frustrated when you aren’t sure what goals to work on next? People around you seem to be achieving great things, yet you feel like you’re standing still. Have you ever wondered what your true purpose is and whether you’re using your God-given talents to your best […]
Fake It Before You Make It!

Allowing the Universe to Give You What You Want. By Kathleen Boucher Have you ever read or heard about the law of attraction? Do you know and understand, that you are always attracting what you think about and what you say? Do you know of colleagues, friends, or neighbors, who always seem to […]
More Valuable Than Gold!

By Kathleen Boucher What has been around since the earth began, has equal power to destroy as well as replenish? What is more valuable than gold; to a man in a desert? You may often take it for granted. That is, until it is in short supply. Industries capitalize on it as a means to […]